When using or booking a service from myself, as sole trader, please read and understand these terms and conditions for any clients interested.
Any further questions, I will be happy to answer. Just contact me!
Covid-19 Policy:
Although most of my services do not require in person consultations, in the situation where person to person interactions is necessary I have taken the following measures to ensure the safety of clients and myself:
If clients are feeling unwell on a day when meeting in person, or are exhibiting any signs associated with COVID-19, they should not attend and use the contact us form located on the home page to immediately inform me.
PPE/ face masks to be worn at all times where applicable by both parties.
Hand sanitiser will be set up so all clients will be able to sanitise upon entry. Hand sanitiser and hand soap to be readily available at all times in bathrooms.
Regular cleaning of all surfaces, handles and equipment with antibacterial products or isopropyl alcohol where applicable. I will wipe down any surfaces touch points with anti-bacterial spray before & after every in person service. Strict hygiene protocols throughout, including thorough clean-down before and after consultations.
Clients to limit the number of people consulting in person to the absolute minimum in order to minimise the transmission of Covid-19.
I reserves the right to decline entry for any persons they feel are unnecessary to the session. Non-essential parties to join via Skype/Zoom/Discord.
All parties must wash hands regularly, particularly after touching shared surfaces or equipment.
All parties involved to adhere to the government guidelines of isolating themselves for 10 days if they are experiencing a fever or cough, and to inform me immediately if this occurs. Any client displaying symptoms to refrain from visiting.
It is important to understand that no amount of measures can completely eliminate risk. The goal is to mitigate risk to an acceptable level and with that in mind the following precautions and protocols have been adopted;
• All consultations are subject to the terms and conditions as modified by this policy.
• Guests accept all liability for their personal wellbeing, upholding social distancing, and adhering to all displayed & communicated policy.
• Guests are advised to factor in extra time while planning a consultations.
• Implement social distancing in accordance with the Government guidelines, a 2m distance wherever possible. -
Maintain personal hygiene by keeping your hands and face as clean as possible washing often with soap and water in accordance with the Government guidelines, for 20 seconds and use the hand sanitiser provided.
A 50% deposit of the total service is required for all service fee's costing over £50.00 and must be paid within 48 hours from the service start period. On the starting day of the project, the client will then receive an email, confirming the details and total cost of services included, allowing the client to complete the deposit payment via card.
The client will also be able to download an invoice. If the client chooses to pay via Bank Transfer, bank details will be included on their invoice.
If the deposit is not paid within 48 hours from the service start period, then I reserves all rights to stop the service.
48 hours into the service, if this deposit is paid it is non refundable. For more information, please see the cancellation section below.
Unless otherwise agreed, payment is required upon completion of each service. Payments may be made by cash or bank transfer. Audio recordings, mixes, or masters will not be released until payment has been made in full.
Revisions & Turnaround:
For all services, revisions are always included free of charge. However, the number of revisions varies between services so, clients can communicate with me for a correct amount for a specific service. The first revision will usually be an audio mix, to see if the client is happy with the levels. This revision is free and does not affect the revisions included within the service. Any revisions after those included within the service will then have to be paid for additionally, at a rate of 10% of the service cost, per revision. Every mix that is sent to the client will include security beeps. This is my policy and client’s must abide by it. Security beeps are put in place, so that the client cannot take away the mix/master without paying any service fee. Once this fee has been paid, I will release the final product immediately to the client. If the client wishes to take away the raw stems after the session, once the service fee has been paid, I will export the tracks and send them to the client either via email transfer services or cloud based storage, or if the client has a USB storage device, will transfer the files onto that.
"Turnaround," is the term used to describe the time needed for each service completion. As each service varies in timeframe, turnaround will vary between services. The client will need to communicate clearly to me about the services they require in order to get an accurate turnaround. If the client is not contempt with the agreed turnaround, they contact me to discuss an appropriate time frame. The turnaround does include time needed for included revisions, however any additional revisions will add two extra working days to the turnaround. If the turnaround is exceeded by myself then a discount will apply, 20% off the service fee if it goes over once, 40% off if takes over twice the amount of time needed. However, if the turnaround is exceeded due to a client's failure to submit either necessary assets to the service, then no discount will apply.
Confidentiality, Project Backups/Data Protection
I will provide the client’s finished product by transferring the product to the client via email services or cloud based storage, such as: "Google Drive" or "WeTransfer.com." If the client should wish to take the audio away in person, they will need to provide their own backup device for file storage. Once the client’s work is complete, I will archive all project files. These files will be removed from his main system, but if the situation arises, they can be recalled from the archive if required. Digital storage systems can experience accidental data loss, and therefore he cannot guarantee the safe use or storage of digital audio files. Although rare, bugs, hardware failures, and glitches, may result in the loss of data, I accept no liability for the usage or storage of any data or audio files.
I may also request that a client’s project materials (I.e stems, mixes, mixdowns, photography or video of recording, mixing etc) be used for marketing purposes in social media content such as YouTube media, tuition and portfolio. If a client’s material is used in any of the prior examples, they will always be credited and a link will be provided to their site or similar media. All rights for the material belong to the artist and I will always advise the artist on the use of their material. If the client does not wish for their work to be used in any or all of the prior examples, they may advise me by email.
While we understand that in certain circumstances clients need to cancel projects, this however causes a financial inconvenience for both the client and myself. Clients may choose to cancel or reschedule their services. Any clients that cancel or reschedule 48 hours from the start of service, will be able to have their deposit refunded. Cancellations or changes after 48 hours of scheduled service work will no longer be able to have their deposit refunded.
If I must cancel a service due to illness or other reasonable cause, he will reschedule the session for the earliest available time consistent with the needs of the Client. In the event neither the Client nor myself can agree upon a date and time for a session, I will refund the deposit in full.
I cannot accept any liability for Client’s failure to submit any assets needed in time for their scheduled service, loss or damage to their digital files.
Furthermore, I cannot accept any liability for illness, personal emergencies, weather disruption or partial absences from groups.
Session Musicians:
If the Client requires the service of session musicians or backup singers, I will try and put the client in touch with session musicians/backup singers that they know. I will only do the introduction, and will not discuss rates/dates or any other information with the session musician. This is the client’s responsibility and the client will be responsible for arranging for and paying said musicians or singers, independent of any arrangements through me. Iwill not be responsible for the failure of such 3rd party session musicians to submit their recordings on time, interfering with the schedule of the service.